
Roni Mallik
Graphic Designer
Hello ''Sir'', I am Roni Mallik from Bangladesh. I am a Graphic Designer and Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Expert. I have always had an eye for the way things do and don't fit together. Due to my excellent communication skills, I was able to deliver feedback in a positive light that didn't demean the design or the designer in any way. I pride myself on my kindness and honesty when critiquing others and their work. I understand the impact that good design can have on sales.


All categories
Business Cards
Industrial & Product Design
Sample #10
Business Cards
Sample #9
Business Cards
Sample #8
Business Cards
Sample #7
Business Cards
Sample #6
Business Cards
Sample #5
Industrial & Product Design
Sample #4
Industrial & Product Design
Sample #3
Industrial & Product Design
Sample #2
Industrial & Product Design
Sample #1
Industrial & Product Design

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