The seller was given a difficult task of parsing sites, containing many subtasks. Roman not only coped with the specified deadlines, but also showed good faith, finishing what the program failed to do with his own hands. As a result, we got a very good and complete result, 100% corresponding to the task set. The seller is very attentive and does not hesitate to clarify the details so that the result is of the highest quality. Thank him very much, we will definitely apply again (Autotranslated )
Quickly responded to the task. A couple of hours later there was a result. Thanks for the promptness. I recommend it. (Autotranslated )
1. There was a task to do parsing of an online store
2. The seller coped with the task very quickly and well, we were extremely satisfied with the result, the work done practically did not require our edits. (Autotranslated )
The task was set to translate the drawings from English into Russian. The contractor completed the work as soon as possible, I advise you. (Autotranslated )
We are extremely pleased with the cooperation with this specialist. Everything is done very quickly, efficiently and individually. We will gladly turn again (Autotranslated )