
Nico Layse
I specialize at making Youtube Thumbnails.
I'm a Junior High School Student (about to turn Senior). I'm 15 yrs old, I live at the Phillipines, my talents are:
‎• Drawing (Better than Intermediate but not as good as a Pro)
‎• Rubik's Cube (Elite solver: 15s average, 3 years experience)
‎• Photo Editing (light experience of 4 years)
‎*I'm very fluent at English, capable of understanding even Worschester Sour Sauce.
‎*I have a flexible mind (definitely not dark humor an brainrot) capable of imagining things other people can't see.


Sample #7
Online Marketplaces & Social Media
Is the Worried Concern Paradox real?
Online Marketplaces & Social Media
Tips & Tricks to be better at The Hive!
Online Marketplaces & Social Media
How to Make Gordon Ramsy's Fried Chicken
Online Marketplaces & Social Media
Improve your English in 10 Minutes!
Online Marketplaces & Social Media

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