
100+ Orders in 2021Top 100 Sellers5+ years with KworkFriend of KworkHonorary TesterExpert SellerMega BuyerNew Year's Promo Participant
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Vyacheslav Skoblej
Since 2010, I have been constantly improving in matters of computer technology, web construction and information security.
Experienced webmaster. I mainly specialize in Wordpress and website security. I write in PHP and JS, I advise on technical optimization of sites.
As a freelancer, I solve a lot of problems,
which did not exist before the advent of the Internet!
Press releases, links and mentions of your site / brand are also for me!
Known on the net as files. Moderator at the popular SEO forum Author of a number of unique scripts and techniques in web construction. (Autotranslated)
Top Rated Plus
5982orders completed
3753total reviews
100%of orders delivered successfully
100%of orders delivered on time
55%repeat orders


Сделаю кроссворд для сайта в html

Reviews Left for files

Positive 1
Negative 0
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    Everything was done perfectly, as I needed it. In the process, we discussed all the issues. The task was completed very quickly. So, I recommend Azamat as a responsible person. (Autotranslated )

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    Established Buyer
    100+ orders placed.
    rtsarev 1 year ago

    Everything was done perfectly, as I needed it. In the process, we discussed all the issues. The task was completed very quickly. So, I recommend Azamat as a responsible person. (Autotranslated )