
Denis Maina
Professional Graphic Designer
I am a professional, and reliable graphic designer. I have experience for over 8 years in the graphic design field, with 4 of those spent in a fast paced commercial print company. I am an Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Indesign expert which has allowed me to work for a wide range of client needs and industry. I target to simplify the design process for my clients and provide exceptional and relevant designs. I can help with T shirt design, Packaging, Logos, Stationery designs, Brochures, Fliers and Banners.
Digital art
T shirt design
Graphic design


All categories
Logo Design
Art & Illustrations
Sample #17
Logo Design
Sample #16
Logo Design
Sample #14
Logo Design
Sample #13
Logo Design
Sample #12
Logo Design
Sample #6
Art & Illustrations
Sample #5
Art & Illustrations
Sample #4
Art & Illustrations
Sample #3
Art & Illustrations
Sample #2
Art & Illustrations

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