I am civil (structural) Engineer. You will get better floor plan(to your hand sketch) 3D VIEWS with realistic render. Your structural design will be correct & accurate (to your load criteria & according to building code).
I have completed several job as residential, commercial & industrial(RCC. Masonry(Brick), steel structure & Timber(wooden) according to ACI code, EURO code, AISC code, Australian standard, British code, CBC & American wood council.
I will provide structural analysis report , drawing of detailing. I also do
Quantity surveying(Quantity materials takeoff, construction Estimate(costing).
Software: autocad, ETABS, RAVIT, ROBOT, TEKLA, SAFE, SAP, ASDIP. sketchup, lumion PLANS WIFT, MS office.
Floor plan 2D/3D, Elevation render.
Structure analysis (NEW/ Retrofitting design for existing structure)
Residential, commercial & industrial (RCC, masonry &steel structure)
Quantity surveying(Quantity materials takeoff, construction Estimate(costing) by PLAN SWIFT and Excel.
BIM Design by RAVIT.
Provide: plot size, Plot location, Facing of plot, plot setback, floor area, Number of storied of building/ Height of structure, load criteria, Approx costing(budget).