Hello sir welcome to my professional pentest and vulnerability assessment with manual testing
I will perform penetration testing and vulnerability assessment expert security and provide you with a professional report with recommendations.
Do penetration testing services include?
SQL injection, Cros site Scripting, LFI, Redirect, RCE ext.
Basic/Standard/Full Report
Other testing:
Network Penetration testing
Why Chose me?
4+ years experience
Manual and professional test
Provide High-quality report
Free offer with all packages 24/7 hours 1/2/3 month
I'm offering more than 5 sites
Best service provide
Kali Linux
Burp Suite
Scan Idea
Nmap and more
Note: If you have any questions feel free to message me and discuss your all problem details
Sir, I will be waiting
Thank You So much
Your site link/Your domain name/Website picture/Wordpress Access/Web files All these things I will need