I will optimize your site, bring the score to the green zone.
What will be done:
- image compression (compression + webp generation + setting the output of the supported format)
- setting code compression (minification)
- setting caching (reducing server response time)
- transfer scripts to speed up the display of the site (compression and transfer of scripts to solve the problem of rendering blocking)
- swap for fonts
- google analytics local cache
- configure redis or memcached (if these services are available on the server)
I work only with Wordpress.
Measurements are taken by page speed and gtmetrix.
It is gtmetrix that is the key tool, because it shows the real speed, unlike page speed.
When optimizing, as a rule, it is possible to obtain an estimate 2-3 times higher than it was before the work.
If the site now has 20 points out of 100 on page speed, then more than 40-60 points usually cannot be obtained.
A full package of page speed recommendations is being performed, which can be performed without reducing the functionality of the site and without rebuilding the site.
1. Access to the hosting panel or server (ssh)
2. Access to the WP admin panel
3. Your wishes (if any)