Error 404 or "Not Found" is a standard response code of the server that the server can't find the data according to the request.
This error occurs quite often and the reasons for its occurrence can be different, for example, if the site has changed page addresses, if the old products were deleted, if the document was moved, etc.
404 pages are often called "broken" or "dead".
How bad are 404 errors for your site?
First, these errors are displayed in the Yandex Webmaster and Google Search Console. Search engines pay attention to them and the site may be undervalued in search engine results.
Secondly, when entering such pages the average user usually closes the page immediately which leads to an increase in the number of bounces and a decrease in the behavioral factors of the site.
And third, such pages in general have a negative impact on the position of the site and can negatively affect many metrics, including the number of customers and orders.
What I suggest?
1. Analysis of server response codes for all pages of the site and identify pages with an error 404.
2. Closing up to 50 pages of the site, giving an error 404 from indexing by search engines Yandex and Google.
To fulfill the order I will need:
1. Link to the site
2. Access to the admin panel
3. Access to FTP or file manager