Hello , Are you looking for an automated newspaper or newsportal or news website with autoblog in WordPress
You are on the right track! i am here to assist you
As a WordPress website designer or Developer with all the skills and 7+ years of experience build an modern , beautiful, professional, automated newspaper , newsportal news and blog website in platform built on WordPress
And the site are fully automated newspaper /news portal website news website and auto blogs posting every hour your Sites. BOOM! Your visitors will love your site read blog or news website is user-friendly
Automated Posts Latest news
Push Notifications
Automated Social Sharing
Content Translation
Responsive Website Design
No Maintenance Required
Breaking news widget
Comment System
Newsletter Automation
Fully Auto SEO Friendly
Profitable Advertisement Placement
All Required Pages Setup
Premium plugins and themes
integration amazon/clickbank affiliate automation
Google news submission
Need WordPress access !
Why Choose Me:
100% Satisfaction
money back guaranty
7 Years Experience
Quick Delivery
NOTE: Please discuss your requirements before placing the order!
Wordpress website access and your requirement. if you have not wordpress install. i can help you for install wordpress