Hi there! Do you own a business or service and want to make it available to the entire world? So, I am here to make it possible for you. I can develop, design the business or service wordpress website for you.
The Services that I will provide are:
1. WordPress Installation
2. Theme Installation
3. Plugins Installation
4. Upload your Content on it.
5. Make it fast and secure
6. SEO optimized
Don't hesitate to be available online. Just discuss it with me and I can surely make it possible for you and you can not only make your service available for your local but also to a wide range of audience who are in need of your service.
Just leave me a message before to start the project. I can help us both to discuss the every aspect of the project. Thank you
If you have any instruction file related to the project then It would be helpful for me. Just need the complete info about the project.