Business Naming and Slogan Creation: Tharusha its turn is an expert with extensive experience in the creation of business names and slogans. Tharushahas been able to develop a knack for making business names that stick out, when he worked in the field for the past two years. He does this by taking into consideration what the business stands for as well as its future.
Beside naming businesses, Tharushais also good at creating slogans that summarize a brand’s philosophy, message and promise. The use of a well-created slogan which can establish its recognition by customers is one of the best tools for retaining their loyalty to your product. As such, every slogan he creates must be catchy, relevant, and memorable because he understands market trends and consumers’ behavior.
For whatever reason you want it; either you are starting up a new business or rebrandinganexisting one then you need the services ofTharusha its turnwho offers customized naming solutions together with slogans according to your specific needs or goals. Count on his prowess to give your enterprise an identity different from others’.
I will give 4 names and 4 slogans for one kwork with logo
Can you provide below details?
1. About your business or product
2. Target audience
3. Name type{one word or two word or other}
4. about slogan{your choice}
5. about your logo{favourite colours, shapes,... ... }