Hello Here is Imran, I have 05 years of work experience with Microsoft Office programs Especially in Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, & Google sheets. My impressive services are Excel spreadsheets, formulas, macro, VBA, charts, fixing issues/errors, pivot tables, excel reports, formatting, template, forms, and excel automation with dashboards.
My pro services;
- Help to solve issues/errors with your spreadsheet
- Excel/Google sheets atomization with formulas
- Advanced formulas & formatting
- Dynamic Excel Charts & Graphs
- Pivot Tables, Power Queries, Power Pivots (+ table relationships)
- Dynamic Excel Dashboard
- Advance Conditional Formatting
- User data validation, Dropdown lists & Add-Ins
- Custom VBA program (+User Forms)
- Microsoft Excel Macro/VBA
- Include Source code/Data connecting
- Toolbar Integration
- List Box, Combo Box, Buttons/Forms
- 200+ Excel formulas user experience
- Automating Invoicing and Payroll system
- Data Entry or import from . txt . csv . xlsx