
Shirajum Billah
WordPress Malware, Blacklist Remove & Security
Hello, I am Shirajum Billah a Professional and Honest Cyber-Security expert. Expert in WordPress malware removal, Security service, fix browser red warning, all types of vulnerabilities and Penetration Testing. I have 3 years experience in this field and fixed 45+ hacked WordPress website, solved malware, Bug's, blacklist, and all types of redirection issues. Give me an opportunity to work for you. I hope you will be not disappointed. I am available in 24/7 hours.


➤ Malware Removal.
➤ Blacklist Removal.
➤ SEO Spam Removal.
➤ Penetration Testing.
➤ Vulnerability Testing.
➤ Removal of all Infected Files.
➤ Website Redirection Remove.
➤ Website Red Warning Remove.
➤ WordPress site transfer/migrate to New Host.
➤ Malware Removal from Server (C-Panel).
➤ HTTP to HTTPS migration and install SSL.

➤ XXE: External Entity Expansion protection
➤ LFI: Local File Inclusion protection
➤ Directory Traversal Protection
➤ Malicious File Upload protection.
➤ XSS: Cross Site Scripting protection.
➤ Core file checking.
➤ Brute-Force Attack Protection & Pro Security

Shirajum Billah
SEO Spam Removal
Blacklist Removal
Remove Malware
Vulnerability Testing
Google Blacklist
WordPress malware removal
Penetration Testing
Virus Removal
Hacked website
wordpress expert
Google Ads
WordPress security

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