
Reeny Ads
Facebook Ad Manager, Copywriting and Voiceover
Maureen Okanumee is also a Voice Talent (Reeny Voice), Facebook Ad Expert and Copy writer

She is a Voice Talent because her voice is unique and compelling that can send the message to the ideal consumers.
She is about to launch a podcast for self-love and inspiring talks in 2023.

She is a Writer because she loves sharing her inspirations and ideas of life in writing. She also loves putting down her thoughts on paper.

She is a Copywriter because she likes to study humans, their behaviours and emotional triggers. And can drive traffic with words.

She is a Facebook Ad Expert because she is interested in helping businesses make sales by studying their target market and creating copys and graphics/videos that can convert them. Setting up ads targeting the right behaviour, interests and demographics.

Most importantly,
She is a daughter of ZION.
Voiceover Artist
Children Tutor
Facebook Ads Campaign
Content writer
voice talent
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Landing Page Design


All categories
Recording & Voice Over
Business & Marketing Copywriting
Sample #10
Business & Marketing Copywriting
Sample #9
Recording & Voice Over
Sample #8
Recording & Voice Over
Sample #7
Recording & Voice Over
Voiceover Training Ad Copy
Business & Marketing Copywriting
Voiceover 5
Recording & Voice Over
Voiceover 4
Recording & Voice Over
Voiceover 2
Recording & Voice Over
Voiceover 3
Recording & Voice Over
Voiceover 1
Recording & Voice Over

This User's Kworks

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Reviews Left for Maureen08

Positive 33
Negative 2
  • undefined

    Awesome seller great cummunicator and gets the job done

    Portfolio tanvir036
    Experienced Super Buyer
    20+ orders placed and 12+ orders in the last 3 months.
    jamesjoe 1 month ago

    Awesome seller great cummunicator and gets the job done

    tanvir036 1 monthago

    Thank You so Much.

  • undefined

    Like always fast and good! Thanks

    Portfolio tanvir036
    luzeks71 4 months ago

    Like always fast and good! Thanks

    tanvir036 4 monthsago

    Thank You so Much.

  • undefined

    Without words : ) or only one word: perfect! !!!!!!!! Thanks, see you soon. ...

    Portfolio tanvir036
    luzeks71 4 months ago

    Without words : ) or only one word: perfect! !!!!!!!! Thanks, see you soon. ...

    tanvir036 4 monthsago

    Thank You so Much.

  • undefined

    This freelancer worked on several of my projects and I am totally satisfied. The fact that he worked on several means I was confident from the first project on day one else I would not have been back several more times since. I have a lot more work for him to do. There are several other freelancers here but he is my go-to for now. Good communication, quick work rollout. Very respectful, honest through. A must-use freelancer. Highly recommended. BEST HERE!

    Portfolio tanvir036
    Funny Animals Shorts
    Rising Buyer
    7+ orders placed.
    JuneJulyAugust 4 months ago

    This freelancer worked on several of my projects and I am totally satisfied. The fact that he worked on several means I was confident from the first project on day one else I would not have been back several more times since. I have a lot more work for him to do. There are several other freelancers here but he is my go-to for now. Good communication, quick work rollout. Very respectful, honest through. A must-use freelancer. Highly recommended. BEST HERE!

    tanvir036 4 monthsago

    Thank You so Much.

  • undefined

    Very kind and fast. Quality on 1. place. I will sure order again and keep in touch! !!

    Portfolio tanvir036
    luzeks71 4 months ago

    Very kind and fast. Quality on 1. place. I will sure order again and keep in touch! !!

    tanvir036 4 monthsago

    Thank You so Much.

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