Freelancers Inc
Multi tasking Freelancer - See our gigs
Freelancers Inc.,
We are a team of experienced Freelancers in the field of Office Management, Administrative with extensive experience in different organizations of National & Multinational reputes in Pakistan for more than 20 years who are proficient in doing the following tasks efficiently :-
=> Photo editing, resizing, coloring etc.,
=> Audio/Video Transcription
=>Thesis/Handwritten notes/material typing
=>Content Writing, Copy Writing, Artical/Blog Writing.
=> Restaurants Budget preparation and Menu Engineering
=> Making Charts in MS Excel
=> Copy Pasting & Data Entry in MS Word & Excel & Access
=> PowerPoint Presentations
=> E-mailing/Web searching
=> Translation from Japanese, Italian, German & English languages to English with proper phrasing, grammar & spelling.
=> Proof Reading and checking grammar in provided text.
=> Files conversion to any format
Copy Pasting
blog comment
Data Entry
Content Writing
Artical writing