Welcome to My kwork!
Are you stuck on getting Quick Books Online Bookkeeping? I’m here to guide and assist you to know basic of QBO and provide consulting for any complex situation.
I'm a professional Quick Books Online Advanced Pro Advisor and a business graduate having 8 years plus experience in Accounting field. You can ask me any questions for bookkeeping purposes. My goal is to answer all your questions in real time using online meetings apps such as Zoom, Teams, Skype, Google meets or Hangouts.
Moreover I will provide you bookkeeping services like new company setup, Data Input, Transactions Categorizations, Bank reconciliations, Report generate etc.
Custom requests are welcome!
Feel free to ask anything, I'll be very quick to respond to your quires.
Thanks for visit my kwork.
Required access in Quick Books Online, Need PDF documents
Need use Zoom or Google meet to understand the projects