In this Kwork I created a campaign: 30, 000 visitors to your site!
The site is visited only by unique IP - addresses during the day (24 hours).
Traffic is about 200-1000 visitors per day.
You can do faster or slower, but not more than 2000 per day. To do this, order an additional option and specify how many visits per day you need.
On public holidays on weekends, the number of visitors may decrease.
Visitor profiles with an active search history are used to improve behavioral factors.
Transitions can be made from search queries (for some queries go to the site you specify), you can also from social networks or another site.
Geo-targeting visitors, you can choose from in additional options. By default, visitors from all over the world. If you choose a particular country, the rate of visits will go down hard.
To check the traffic I recommend counters: Google Analytics, Hot log, with life Internet counters sites are not accepted!
Important! Sites created on the Wix platform do not accept to work!
I do not accept: links to videos, pop-ups, malicious sites, I prepare, sites with viruses, with the restriction on closing, etc!
I need a link (links) to the site, keywords or phrases to search for your site (up to 300 pieces), as well as guest access to view any counter.
Guest access cannot be provided immediately.