Why do you need Google Analytics 4 server-side tracking?
Third Party Cookies will be no more in near future. Google already announced that.
Chrome browser will not support third-party cookies from 2023. Safari and Mozilla browsers have already stopped accepting all types of cookies. Contact now for a quick chat.
So everyone should now do server side tracking.
You will know everything about your data and what is shared with third-party marketing platforms.
I will setup:
Setup GA4 and GTM
Setup GTM web and Server Container
Setup Client Server using Stape.io or Google Cloud Server
Connect With GTM
Setup GA4 Client & base tag in Server container
Server-side eCommerce Tracking
Data Layer Enable
Custom Event Tracking
Event: Page View, View item, Select item, Add to Cart, View Cart, Remove cart, Begin Checkout, Purchase, Lead form, Purchase goal, and any Custom Event.
Custom Made Website
I'm available 24/7.
We can discuss all your tracking issues further. I am waiting to hearing from you.
If you work with me, you have to give that access?
1. Tag Manager access
2. Google Analytics 4 Access
NOTED: Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Account If you have, If not I will create GTM, GA4 and will give you admin access
3. Website Access (For Enable Data Layer)