Welcome to my Kwork!
Do you have any Google Sheets Formula and Function issue(s) that need to create, edit, fix, resize or customize to make the result correct, handy and professional?
You are in the exact place! I will be your quick expert on that.
Note: Please Discuss Before Ordering.
About My Kwork
google sheets | formulas | functions | fixing errors | PIVOT tables
Issues to Solve:
> Automating Your Google Sheets by Handy Formulas
> Creating & Fixing Any Kind of Complex Formulas Like- loopup/vlookup/hlookup/ INDEX-MATCH/ARRAY/ IF/SUMIF/sumifs/iferror/sumproduct/ countif/countifs/hyperlink/TRIM/DATE/offset etc.
> Identifying and Fixing the #DIV/0, #N/A, #NAME?, #NULL!, #NUM!, #REF!, #####, #VALUE! Errors
> Linking/ Automation/Joining Formulas
> Fixing any Errors in the Dashboard, Charts, Graphs
> Fixing Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, and Graphs errors
> Splitting the Text/Data/Date/Mail/Website/Domain into Different Cells
> Combining/Adding/ Subtracting Text/Suffix/Prefix act.
> Conditional Formatting
> Finding, Removing, and Replacing Duplicates
>Solving Any Issues as Per Your Requirements.
Please Reach Me. I'll Help You Out.
Thank You!
Please attach your file and provide clear instructions on what I have to do. Please be as specific as possible. The more you give me the better, I can do my job perfectly for you.
Thank you. Again Great Experience.
I’ve worked with him on several projects. Always polite and revise when needed. Thank you very good
Thank you very much, You are the great buyer in the world. I am waiting for your next project.
Love the work. Thank you
Thank you so much. Great buyer. I am waiting for your next project.
very good job!
the job was done well. faster than i expected
One of the best sellers I ever met. Good communication and service was excellent. Will definitely buy more of your services. Everyone can definitely take the service. He is a very nice person
Thanks, it was a great experience working with you, looking forward to work again with you.
Great as always. We do many projects together I love his work.