I will create a Custom Discord Bot for you with your requested commands/features.
Having completed over 100 projects relating to discord-bots I am confident that I will be able to create a custom bot for your needs.
Examples of things the bot could do:
Points/Levelling system
Handling of invites
Twitter parsing
RSS feed parsing
Music bots
Integration into pretty much any API
Cryptocurrency or NFT integration
Admin/Moderator features
Different types of tools to help you manage big servers
Different games and other fun features
discord BOT
Web dashboards
Economy bots with games and rank shops
Queue systems
Games such as slots machines and blackjack
Link/Bad word remover
To fulfill your order, I will need an assignment from you. First, describe what exactly you want to get, what your preferences are. Then, send the necessary files and access, if they are needed to complete the order.