Are you looking for a Fantasy Book Trailer or Promo Video?
Then you are at the right KWORK!
A Book Promo video can increase your sales by more than 200%
THIS KWORK offers:
* Final output at Full HD Quality 1080p
* Final output Video in . mp4
* 2 Free revisions
* Professional service and delivery within 48 hours.
* Express Delivery Available (within 24 hours) (Extra).
* 100% Satisfaction guarantee.
**BASIC ~ 20 sec Text Only Teaser Version (No Music, No Image)
**standard ~ Up to 30 Sec video (Recommended)
**premium ~ Up to 60 Seconds Running Time
Also, this trailer is suitable for Teasers, Movie and Gaming Trailers, Cinematic epic teasers, Motivational trailers, Action Blockbuster movie trailers, Blockbuster Book trailers, Cinematic trailers, Book Trilogy videos
You can put your own book cover, and store links.
**The trailer will be exactly the same as the sample**
Thank you. . .
You just need to provide the following!!
* Full Book cover (front, back, spin)
* Short Text you want to display
* Images/Videos of your choice
Thank you so much
very quickly helped and super well made