Hi there.
Give me some facts or senaury (or lies if you prefer) about your subject. The next day (or sooner in most cases) you will receive a unique poem to share for any special occasion. Like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Retirement, Marriage Proposals, Weddings, Birth Announcements, Valentines, Birthday Friendships, Holidays, or any event you wish to honor someone in a uniquely personalized greeting. Give me your idea and I will express it with Wit, Humor, Passion, Emotion, Sincerity, and "Panache".
My highest priority is customer satisfaction through my work. Also I am committed to ensure all the services that I have promised.
To get started, the seller needs:
Rhyming or non-rhyming?
Any particular poem style (Shakespearian, Sonnet etc. )?
Details you'd like to include.
Any special moments.