My name is Bigwin, I am a professional ghostwriter with flair years of experience in this field. I will write you an eBook of high quality, readable and informative.
I don't mind so much about the number of words but the word count is approximately 5000 to 10, 000 words.
After placing an order, I will be able to deliver the eBook within 3 days or as per your need.
My objective in my eBook services is to;
Good communication
Well formatted
Buyers satisfaction
Quick delivery
Well-researched content, etc.
Kindly Message me now to turn your ideas into reality.
Best Regards
To get started, the seller needs:
Give me your topic detail, if you want to add your business detail, you can also give me, i will also add in your ebook writing.
YOUR FULL instruction WILL BE needed.
Your Topic:
Your Outline:
Words Number:
And any other information