The h1 header is the first level header used as the title of the content on the page of the site, carrying meaning, visible to all visitors and playing an important role in SEO-optimization of the site and its further promotion.
Headings can be from level 1 to 6 of nesting, and it is h1 has the highest priority, and h6, respectively, the lowest.
Tags h1 should not duplicate the Title meta tags should be short and concise, contain a key phrase and as if to complement the aforementioned Title. As part of this kwork I will make up 10 unique h1 headings for pages of your site.
1. You can specify the pages on which to work, or I can analyze the site and provide a list of pages with deficiencies.
2. The work I do in the table and you can clearly see all the headings.
3. I match the h1 with the existing meta tags on the pages.
4. Only manual drafting, no templates and masks, everything is unique.
If there is no semantic core and / or need to transfer the work to the site - order additional options.
Ready to pre-analyze the site!
To fulfill the order I will need:
1. Link to the site
2. A list of pages to optimize the headers or I will specify myself
3. Semantic core, if available
4. If you need to transfer to the site - access to the admin.