Most welcome greeting
I am a expert Logo Designers freelancer, Modern and company logo special designs, and I am professional, Friendly and happy to work with clients who need great work
Ø convert your PSD file into Png and JPG, Copy and paste from PDF into Excel, or Word.
Ø Graphic Designs In Corel Draw and adobe Photoshop, illustrator
Ø Business card, wedding card, hotel menu and all cards working.
Ø Logo designs, brochure posters, banners, and flex designs in different Corel draw, adobe Photoshop, illustrator,
Ø Incorporate your logo design and company information
Ø Convert your final work or design, to PDF
Ø Create a spectacular cover page.
Best Regards
Afzal Ahmed
Please give me your project details and timeline, I will be deliver your project according to you desire.