I'm Rakib – an expert in Logo and Branding. In my process, I explore new thing to make each logo distinct so that people instantly recognize it for years to years. My designs are clean, smart, simple and most importantly – “timeless”.
I can do any kind of logos such as modern, unique, creative, simple, clean, flat-minimalist, monogram, signature etc. It would be my absolute pleasure to work with you and create an exclusive logo for your brand. I always emphasis on Quality not Quantity.
If you have any question feel free to ask me I will answer ASAP.
Eagerly waiting to work together!
#01. Business Name
#02. Tag Line (If any)
#03. Idea/Concept/Short Brief about Logo that type you want
#04. Color (If any)
#05. Attach Example Logo that type you want (If any)