Wellcome to my Kwork ,
I'm Shahanaz from Bangladesh.
Are you looking for a Professional Amazon Product listing? You are in the right place at the right time. I will list your product on Amazon, for product name, description, brand name, rating, price and any way you want to list the product. I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and confidentiality.
My Service:
1. Unique product Infographic.
2. Background Removal
3. Product URL
4. Description
5. Brand name
6. Rating
7. Price
8. Category
9. any way you want to list the product.
Why Choose Me?
- High-quality, professional images
-100% original work
-Unlimited revisions until you're satisfied
I offer :
1. E-commerce Product listing
2. Web research
3. Web scrape
4. Data entry Copy paste work
5. Excel Data Entry
To get started, the seller needs:
Feel free to tell me:
- Project description
- Necessary File/links
- Delivery date and pricing