A professional curriculum vitae is important in every individual's life because it represents the first impression of the qualification and career potential of an individual. It is a precise document highlighting one's education, skills, experience, and achievements. A well-formatted CV is necessary for any job application, career enhancement, or networking purposes.
The value of a professional CV lies beyond just qualifications; it's a way to show one's ability with words. It provides a way for people to distinguish themselves in highly competitive job markets and visually showcases professional journeys. A CV can also be representative of personal branding, hence giving a peek at an individual's goals regarding their career and expertise.
In summary, the professional CV serves not as a formality but an essential tool in career development, helping the individual seize opportunities and set a firm footing in a chosen field.
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To get started, the seller needs:
1. I just need your old resume/CV and job description where you want to apply (it helps me to create an ATS based)
2. If you don't resume So don't worry, send Your personal details(like Name, email, address, education information and portrait, I will create a strong resume for you professionally .