Are You Looking for a Professional, Unique, Eye-catching, Modern Resume/CV Design.
Congrats! You're in the right place. I provide interview-winning resume writing and designing services for those looking for entry-level, intermediate level, professional, and management roles.
Remember the average recruiter spends just 5 seconds looking at each CV. So, your professional resume is the only way to grab the attention of employer.
Why did you hire me?
creative and experienced persons
Clean & professional eye-catching CV Resume cover letter design
24/7 online support
100% unique and attractive design
100% Customer satisfaction with Money-Back Guarantee
Unlimited revisions
I'll deliver:
Professional CV Resume cover letter design
PNG/JPEG CV Resume cover letter design
Ms word
To avoid Cancellation, please let me know briefly about the project.
Please do not hesitate to knock me if you have any further questions.
Your existing cv/resume that you want us to modify.
Basic requirements
•Contact information (Name, email address, phone#, home address, nationality if you are applying for abroad)
•Educational background
•Job name you are applying for
Optional things
•Short courses
•Research, presentation and publication(journal name, year and title of research)
• Thesis(Title, Supervisor name, description of thesis)
•Language skills
•Computer skills