Experienced Engineer with expertise in CAD/CAM Modeling, solving Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems, Structural problems (FEA), Propulsion Problems, Thermal system design and analysis, Research and Development (R&D), Aircraft Development, Research, Design and Analysis, Research Writing and Technical Writing.
Product Design using CAD/CAM tools: solidworks, CATIA V5, CREO Parametric.
Engineering Software Expertise: ANSYS(Fluent, Static Structural, CFX, Thermal), CATIA V5, Solidworks, CREO Paramteric, matlab, Microsoft Office.
Please inform the freelancer of any preferences or concerns regarding the use of AI tools in the completion and/or delivery of your order.
Thank you so much! I love to work with you again. highly recommend buyer.
Gave me more backlinks than it was described.
Good service.
Thank you so much! I love to work with you again. highly recommend buyer.
Good result.
But there was communication gap. Kinda hard to deliver the insruction.
I am working on to improve with the seller.
Really Great Client And friendly Behaviour
Thanks A lot
Waiting for your more and more work
Happy to work with.
Very accommodating and responsible.
Really Great Client And friendly Behaviour
Thanks A lot
Waiting for your more and more work
Wow! I was on vocation. Away. Surprised! 5792 views! From LJ. Interesting. Awesome work! Thank you very much!
Thank you so much! I love to work with you again. highly recommend buyer.
Very satisfied