Hi there.
Are you looking for a Front-end Developer to convert FIGMA, PDF, PSD TO HTML, Which is Eye-catching, SEO friendly, and Fully Responsive with the latest version of bootstrap?
If "Yes" then you've come to the right place!
I'm a Professional Web Designer & Front-end Developer. I have more than 4+ years of experience in FIGMA/ Sketch/ PDF/ XD/ PSD to HTML work, I have already worked with many programming languages including HTML5, Css3, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery plugins, PHP, Sass, UIkit, Bootstrap5, I always take care of code with SEO-friendly & W3C Validation.
⭐ My Services ⭐
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Thanks for reading, Have a great day!
Thanks & Best Regards.
Ibrahim Khalil.
You can give me any file for HTML Conversions like Figma/Scratch/PDF/PSD. Website Images, Contents. Reference website, And any idea about your web page.
If anything needs more, I will let you know by message.
If you have difficulty understanding, feel free to message me :)