If you purchase hourly before contacting me then I will cancel work
PSD to responsive HTML5+CSS3(wordpress opt) using Bootstrap 3 incl. script from All time No. 1 programmer in peopleperhour.com (100% perfect 5/5 rating in All works). I am the only one programmer in PPH History having 100% perfect 5/5 ratings and 1000+ reviews
Top rated and Hot selling psd to responsive conversion service. I have converted 1000+ PSD to responsive html pages, its been 5 years since I started psd to responsive coding.
What you will receive:
Full HTML5 & CSS3
Semantic MarkUp
Mobile Friendly
Responsive Design
@font-face integration(which allows you to download a particular font from your server to render a webpage if the user hasn't got that font installed)
Option to add Image Slider, JavaScript Menus etc. but No PHP coding
Optimized Code
We use Twitter Bootstrap Framework(Bootstrap 3.0)
SEO Friendly
All code is HAND CODED
Script include means(small script like simple sliders , not include custom script)
If you need any php works like contact form or anyother then please tell me initially that is not in this hourly. I will charge separate for php coding
Kindly provide the following requirements to get started
Reference site
Logo and images
Pdf file