Hi there i am professional digital marketer I am specialist in SMS Marketing and leads generating if you are looking for SMS Marketing for your business or brand promotion to worldwide any country then you are at the right place we will do send SMS Campaigns to your target country/state/area we just need your target area name and target business niche we will help you to grow your business with very easy and quickly we will find the customers and provide complete report with 99% delivery rate+Open rate of your text message campaign.
What i need to start ?
I need your target area name
I need your text message content
What You will get from Me?
I will send text messages to your target area with leads
I will provide you complete report
special OFFER:
I GIVE YOU special OFFER : IF YOU ORDER ME FOR 20$ FOR 2000 SMS THEN I GIVE YOU 1000 message EXTRA marketing AND 10000 SMS then 2000 SMS EXTRA marketing
Thanks for visiting my kwork if you have any question related to my services ask me I will happy to help you.
Sir give me your sms details. tell me what is your targeted country and give me your sms content message.