Offer you hot whatsapp messaging service
Minimum volume - 1000 messages
The picture is included in the price of the order.
If there is a picture, the mailing takes longer, because a pause is required when sending text and photos
If there is a link, it is not clickable until the person sends any message in response
Message text can be up to 1000 characters
You can use a link in the text. If a link is added, a block will be added:
"If the link is not active, send any text in the reply and go to the chat"
It is possible to edit the block, if you need to change it, write about it in the workbook
This is an excellent advertising channel with some of the highest performance indicators.
All recipients will be able to see your messages 100%.
People will not miss the notifications coming to the phone, but on the contrary will be able to immediately familiarize themselves with their contents.
100% delivery. You can enter the required number of verification numbers to check the mailing list.
After the mailing, we provide a detailed report, where all the information on the finished mailing is presented.
1) Base for mailing, only numbers, only in a column, without any names, commas and other extra characters
2) Message text up to 1000 characters
3) Picture, if necessary and if you have taken the appropriate additional option, jpg / png format, up to 500 kb
4) A link, if necessary, as well as an additional text block to this link, by default it will be: "If the link is not active, send any text in response and go to the chat"
The link wll obviously not work.