I have helped thousands of students secure incredible offers from schools like Harvard Business School, Columbia, Oxford, UCL, and Stanford. Let's get you admitted into the school of your dreams!
My name is Olivia brown, and I am a USA-based Editor who graduated Summa Cum Laude from UCLA with a degree in English. I have 16+ years of experience editing application essays for undergraduate, graduate (MSc, MA, MBA), doctoral studies (PhD), law school, medical school, nursing school, PA school, dental school, residency (ERAS), and scholarships.
My goal is to make your application shine! I will thoroughly proofread and heavily edit your admission essay to ensure it meets the requirements and expectations of admissions teams across the world.
Ready to place an order? Message me directly for a custom quote.
Have a question? I am super responsive.
Let's make this a personal statement, statement of purpose, or college admissions essay that stands OUT.
What you will receive:
Deep editing and actionable feedback using MS Word Track Changes
Clean document with all edits accepted
Let's get editing!
Please share any other additional information to help me analyze and interpret your work professionally.