Hello and welcome to my Kwork!
It's a pleasure to have you here.
I have great experience in doing Data Entry, Data Collection, Data Processing, Manual Typing, File Conversion, and other Admin related tasks.
if you are looking for someone to convert your PDF documents/books to word, excel, PowerPoint or Photo/Image to text/word document then you are in the right place.
I can perform professional and accurate file conversions for:
1. PDF (Scanned or Handwritten) to WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, Images (JPG, PNG)
2. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and images to PDF
3. Readable Hand Written or Scanned PDF in Word, Excel, PowerPoint
4. Old file formats to new formats for any type of file
5. Mathematical Expressions to Word file
6. Copy Paste
And several others
What makes me the right person to hire?
Work in accordance with your instructions.
Providing quick response & on-time delivery
Exceptional accuracy
24/7 available
No data loss guarantee.
Unlimited revision + fast Delivery + 100% satisfaction is guaranteed
Looking forward to working with you.
Send me Relevant File it can be in any formate
I will deliver your work with 100% accuracy
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