I am Microsoft Office 365 Certified Expert and have more than 7 years of experience in providing remote support. I will resolve and provide support related to office 365 and its services like Exchange online, SharePoint Online, MS Teams, and One drive for Business. I assure You that I would be taking care of Your requirements and deliver You satisfactory results.
Following are my specialties:
️Setting UP Microsoft teams
Providing training,
Configuring teams as per your requirements,
Setting up Security)
Enabling Services.
️Configuring DNS Records (TXT records, MX records, SPF, DKIM)
️Setting up your emails on Office 365
️Setting up SharePoint Online (Creating Sites, Managing Permissions)
️OneDrive for Business
️Configuring Security and Compliance for your company
️Microsoft Planner
️Microsoft Bookings
️Microsoft Flow
️WordPress email
️cPanel Email
️Bluehost Email
️Google Workspace
I need login information-
1. office 365 admin panel
2. domain admin panel
3. source mail admin panel
4. destination mail server admin panel