Do you want to change your email hosting provider and migrate your mailboxes to Google Workspace/G Suite or Office 365/Microsoft 365? Guess, you have come to the right place. I have done this 1000 of times for clients all around the globe, so I am very familiar with this process.
I will setup
Your Custom Domain with Google Workspace or Office 365.
Domain Verification and Add MX Records to Receive Emails.
Seamless emails migration into your new Mailboxes.
Seamless contacts migration into your new Mailboxes.
Seamless calendars migration into your new Mailboxes.
Add SPF, DKIM and DMARC Records For Email Deliverability and Authentication that will insure inbox email delivery.
Troubleshoot any other delivery issues
I can Migrate your Mailboxes:
From Google Workspace to Office 365 or Vice versa
From cPanel Webmail to Google Workspace or Office 365.
From any other 3rd Party Email Hosting (Zoho, ProtonMail, Godaddy, Private Email, IONOS, Rackspace, Titan Email, Namecheap, Bluehost, FastMail, HostGator, Hostinger) to Google Workspace or Office 365.
To get started, the seller needs:
1. Domain Name
2. Domain Registrar Login Information
3. List of Mail Account want to create at Google Workspace
4. First Name & Last Name of each account holder
Any Question? Inbox me for more discussion!
Bashir Uddin