I will install the site on hosting from the archive or transfer the site to another turnkey hosting.
If you have not decided on a new hosting, I will help you choose a provider.
As part of the kwork - transferring a site up to 5GB (enough for 99% of sites) to a hosting from another hosting or archive.
If your site is larger (or you do not know the size, write, I will help determine) see additional. quark options.
Installation of sites on VDS / VPS is also carried out, but when installing on them, the cost is higher, for clarification, write, indicating: CMS of the site, VPS hoster, site size.
Usually for servers, the installation cost starts from $50.
1. In case of installing a site from an archive - an archive with a site, in case of transfer from a hosting - data from the old (current) hosting
2. Data from the new hosting panel.
3. Data from the domain control panel (personal account at the domain registrar)