Startup Investor Database Featuring 2, 250 Active Angel Investors.
Unlock the most affordable investor list for pre-seed startup founders seeking funding.
Kick off your fundraiser on the right foot with a curated list of venture capitalists and startup investors.
VC & Angel Investor & Angel Database
We’ve compiled thousands of venture capitalists, venture funds, & startup angel investors – filtered by industry, stage, and location – to start your fundraising out on the right foot.
Startup Investor List: Affordable Email Directory for Seed Startups to Find Active Angel Investors.
VC Database is a comprehensive database that provides entrepreneurs and startups with access to a wide range of venture capital investors. This email database includes detailed profiles of various venture capital firms, including information on their investment preferences, past investments, and contact details. Whether you are looking for seed funding, series A financing, equity, or growth capital, then this is for you.
Affordable Investor List.
2, 250 Verified Contacts.
Order Once, Use Forever.
From New York to Boston. From London to Berlin. Any Stage, Any Industry, Any Market.
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Having the investor database is the first step, but you can’t copy and paste the same email to every investor hoping for a positive outcome.
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