I am an experienced Python developer with over 2 years of experience in Dis_cord API development.
I am capable of creating a customizable Dis_cord bot to meet any requirements.
- My capabilities include:
- Databases (Sqlite, MySQL, PostgreSQL)
- Built-in admin panels for Dis_cord/Telegram
- Integration with ChatGPT
- Moderation and group management
- Various mini-games
- Payment for any system with API
- Stores and bulletin boards
- Bot forwarding (Telegram to Dis_cord, Dis_cord to Telegram, etc.)
- Web page parsing
- Cryptocurrency prices
- Welcome messages
- Anti-spam
- Auto-roles
- Music bots
- VIP subscriptions
- Support for Linux servers
And much more.
To get started, the seller needs:
Kindly provides me features and functionalities
Kindly provide me with API
Kindly provides me features and functionalities
Kindly provide me with API