I make telegram bots according to your wish at affordable prices based on the client's wishes. I can do the work in a short time.
I need to know your requirements in order to be able to do the job flawlessly.
Thank you for such a detailed review! (Autotranslated )
Executive and diligent salesman,
you can work (Autotranslated )
We express our deep gratitude to the performer for the professionalism and speed of the kwork execution. We received a perfectly working bot in telegram in the shortest possible time. The developer was always ready to take into account our wishes and additions, and also always stayed in touch. I would like to note that this bot turned out to be incredibly useful for our audience, significantly improving customer interaction and increasing the efficiency of our sales. Neural networks are definitely the future. I recommend the performer, you will not lose! (Autotranslated )