Note: I also take Custom Offers
Welcome to my Kwork, your go-to destination for expert assistance with your machine learning or Data Science Python projects!
As a seasoned Data Scientist / ML Engineer, I thrive in various domains:
Machine Learning: Proficiency in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
Time Series Forecasting: Proficient with RNNs, LSTM, and other advanced methods.
Deep Learning: Experienced in implementing ANN, CNN, RNN, GRU, GAN, and more.
Computer Vision: Capable in object detection and other tasks.
I tackle a diverse range of projects:
Classification: Effectively address classification problems (Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM, etc.).
Regression: Precisely handle regression tasks.
Clustering: Utilize KMeans, dbscan and hierarchical clustering.
Data Analysis: Expertise in Pandas, Numpy, and other essential tools.
Data Visualization: Create insightful plots with Matplotlib and Seaborn.
Dimensionality Reduction: Employ PCA and LDA for efficient reduction.
I can handle any type of project you can think of. Just reach out now to discuss your project. I will provide free Consultation too.
Thank You!
To fulfill your order, I will need a description of the task from you. Please specify exactly what you are looking to get and indicate any preferences you may have. Also, please send any necessary files/docs for the project.