For the past 5 years, I have been constructing various types of crypto trading bots. Which gives me experience with developing indicators, algorithms, and techniques to act as a flawless crypto trading BOT.
Intelligent IB automated trading robots can develop, analyze, optimize, and trade stock portfolios automatically.
Based on a highly sophisticated quantitative mathematical model.
E-mini S& amp; P 500 Futures is a profitable and stable strategy.
Trades stocks, options, futures, currencies, and commodities, among other things.
To complete your order, I will require a task from you. Describe what exactly you want to get and what your preferences are. Send the necessary files and accesses if they are needed to complete the order.
This is a brilliant salesman, the god of python, the lord of parsers and many more wonderful words. An unrealistically complex social media project (automation) it was completed in a week.
We are technically supported, guided, tinkered with as children and sent instructions.
He is an incredibly productive person and a wonderful experience of cooperation. I think the seller can ensure the international quality of the work.
There are plans for several more updates (updates) of the software product. We will order right there (Autotranslated )
Cool. Responds quickly and promptly. (Autotranslated )
A good mentor for learning Python, I recommend definitely
provided reading materials, everything is clear (Autotranslated )
Conducts mentoring training in Python. Previously, he made a tg bot for us for our small exchanger. He teaches our people all the subtleties. Everything is great and professional (Autotranslated )
Aktan has been very helpful and patient to work on this project. My questions are answered promptly and without fuss. Although there is a time difference (asia region vs europe region), he is able to address my concerns quickly.