I craft bespoke Telegram bots of moderate complexity, to your liking.
The cost of the order includes:
- Endless edits, bug fixes within the terms of reference
- Assistance in setting up the bot, install it on a remote server
- Beautiful customization of the bot: Selection of fonts, emoticons
- Possible ideas to improve your bot
I have experience working with:
- Survey bots
- Auto-reply menu bots
- Chat-moderator bots
- Database bots
- Admin-panel bots integrated within the bot
- Bots that can automatically send messages at specified times
- Payment implementation using QiwiP2P and granting access to specific functions
- APIs
- Website scraping and information retrieval
- Checking subscriptions to channels
- Forwarding specific information to a separate chat
- Launching multiple bots simultaneously (e. g. , user bots and regular bots)
(Upon request) I can also:
- Customize the bot to suit your needs
- Help you deploy the bot on a remote server
- Suggest websites to buy a remote server
- Teach you how to modify message texts
The bot operates entirely asynchronously, using the Aiogram library and the Python programming language.
Deadlines and prices depend on the assigned tasks.