You will get A full marketing and manage plans to set up yr business
Optitex Suite O.24 Install on your Computer
Installation tasks on Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Linux and virtual box
Cisco packet tracer gns3 ccna ccnp asa computer network
Create jetbrains pack 1 year for you
Password Reset For Windows And Windows Server
Remote Professional IT Support - Outlook And Any IT Issue
Repair, fix any problems in outlook and webmail
I will teach Python, MySQL, data visualization, ML, and data science
Installing a bot on a server
I will clean up and speed up your windows computer remotely
I will resize merge split of your HDD or SSD drive partition
I will convert GTAV FIVEM Non Streamed PEDS to Streamed
I will setup monday Crm, and zapier automation
Windows Optimization And Fixed
Set up complete offline system with top LLM models
Professional Crystal Reports Design Development
Upgrade your Dropbox account to 18GB lifetime in 24 hrs
Plex Jellyfin Emby Media with Integration on Raspberry Pi or VM
I will be your data analyst and programming mentor
Remote computer assistance, software, hardware, networking and servers
Install Blogging Platforms Twitter Alternatives
I will install your computer Flexisign software
Install softwares, windows 11 applications, mac programs installation