In here im trying to creat you gaming footage for youtube channel and other works you may need them. with this footage you can elevate your simple editing(without background) to highest possible level imagineable. so it is your choice you want to be God of editing or stay with your 2 sub. s. it like matrix blue and red pill. there diffrent variety of games for plays in your background.
you may think it's over payment over your job, but it is actually the most professional move for your videos. when you have profesional background for your work. imagine it for a second.
you may sometimes upload the video as the main video and yes you have all copyright of the video.
and at the end i was cs: s player so you can give you alot of tips and tricks for online FPS for you as you wish.
i can do video edits for you as you wish for that the quality of edits is shown by the videos not need to speek about that
my config:
I just: